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Abundant Life Preschool

3475 E. Soliere Ave.

Flagstaff, AZ 86004

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Parent's Handbook

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What if my child is sick?

    If your child is ill, please keep your child at home. Be sure to let us know why he/she will be absent. If your child becomes ill during the day, we will call you.

  • Can my child bring a toy?

    We prefer that children leave their toys at home. We have so many here for them to enjoy!

  • Do you teach the children anything?

    Preschool children learn in unique ways, so our activities may not always look like “school”. Our teachers plan activities that help children increase their thinking and creativity skills. Children’s experiences will strengthen their literacy skills and encourage them to investigate the world around them. In other words, we’re teaching early reading, math, science, social studies, health, music, art, and more!

  • What school supplies does my child need?

    All supplies are provided by the Center. It is not required, but it is very helpful if your child has a backpack or tote bag to carry home artwork and other papers.

What To Know

Before Your First Day

  • Preschool Hours

    Abundant Life Preschool’s hours of operation are 6:45 am until 6:00 pm Monday through Friday. Holidays and snow closures will be announced.

  • What to Wear

    Your child should dress for an active day. We suggest comfortable, washable play clothes. Sneakers and socks are best for active play.

  • What to Bring

    Please bring a small blanket, a water bottle/sippy cup, their lunch, and 2 snacks for morning snack and afternoon snack. It’s also a good idea for your child to bring a small backpack or tote bag to carry artwork home. Abundant Life Preschool provides school supplies for children. Your child needs a complete change of clothes at the center (shirt, shorts/pants/skirt, socks, and underwear). Be sure to write your child’s name on each piece of clothing. Give the clothes to your child's teacher.

  • Release of Children

    No child will be released to persons not authorized by a parent or guardian.

  • Illness

    Children who are ill will not be admitted to the center.

  • Behavior Guidance

    Our program uses a variety of positive guidance techniques to help children learn appropriate behaviors and develop self-control.

  • Toys from Home

    Children are encouraged to leave their toys at home.


Our program is open from 6:45 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. The preschool is closed on these following days: New Year’s Day, Spring Break, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, August Center Cleaning/Training Day, Labor Day, the day before Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving, and the day after, and Christmas Weeks. Joining the ALP program means you understand that your normal tuition payment is still due for these holidays.

  • Daily Sign In

    I understand that, per Arizona State requirement, I will complete the sign-in/sign out form each day my child attends. Complete signatures are required. Initials are not allowed. The sign-in/sign out sheet is located in the appropriate alphabetical book located in the school entrance. No child will be able to attend school without an adult accompanying them to the classroom.

  • Late Pick Up

    A late pickup fee of $5.00 per minute for every minute after 6:00 pm will apply. A note will be placed in the sign-out sheet to notify you of a late charge which will be due the next day. Please understand that repeated lateness will jeopardize your child’s enrollment in the Abundant Life program. Child Protective Service will be notified after a half-hour has passed or if we are unable to contact you or any of your emergency contacts.

Disenrollment Policy

If you decide to terminate your child's enrollment for any reason, a two-week notice is required. If you terminate your child's enrollment without notice, you remain responsible for two weeks of child care fees. Abundant Life Preschool reserves the right to cancel the enrollment of a child for any of the following reasons:

  1. Non-payment of tuition.
  2. Not observing the parent's Enrollment Agreement.
  3. Physical or verbal abuse of staff or children.
  4. Chronic disruptive behavior.

Tuition Payment

All tuition payments will be automatically deducted from your checking account on a weekly pre-payment basis. The tuition payment charges will be processed at noon each Wednesday, with the funds being deducted from your checking account that Friday.

Learn More

*To keep your monthly bill consistent and low each month, our annual budgeted cost is divided by 12 months and not calculated monthly. Because we must hold your child’s spot during an absence, we do charge a normal daily fee for absences and days that the preschool is closed for holidays. This, and the holiday time has been dispersed over the rest of the year.


Abundant Life Preschool is dedicated to providing each child with interesting, challenging and age appropriate activities that engage the imagination and enhance cognitive skills. We strive to equip your child with the emotional, social, and academic skills necessary to be successful in Kindergarten. This is achieved through play such as music and rhythm, language, fine and gross motor activities, dramatic play, cooking, science, creative media and outside experiences that are brought into the school. We also help to enhance and promote each child’s sense of positive self-image, individuality and creativity. Every child is encouraged to participate in all types of play.

Abundant Life Preschool offers a center-based activities program. “Choice” centers children can choose from are:

  • Listening and Audio
  • Pretend Play
  • Writing
  • Reading
  • Math
  • Science and Sensory
  • Art
  • Small Manipulative Skills (beading, puzzles, matching, peg boards, card and board games)
  • Large Manipulative Skills (cars, dinosaurs, animals, blocks and building tools)
  • Bible Lesson

The alphabet is practiced daily. Children learn numbers, days of the week, months, seasons, shapes, colors, and much more. Our activities help children develop patience, cooperation, boundaries, respect, and tolerance of others as well as encourage good manners, personal hygiene, social development, and personal growth. 

  • Lesson Plans

    The lead teacher of each classroom will plan and post a weekly lesson plan and send out monthly newsletters letting you know what they are learning in the classroom in the upcoming month.

  • 1's Goals & Development

    Support and equip them with their rapidly changing Gross/Fine Motor Skills and Cognitive and Social Development.

  • 2’s and 3’s Goals and Development

    Focus on learning opportunities to develop individually on social, emotional and cognitive experiences. Enhance concepts in order to be ready for Pre-K.

  • Pre-Kindergarten Goals and Development

    Each Pre-K student will be assessed twice a year to determine individual strengths and needs on Social Emotional Development, Self-Care & Personal Responsibility, Fine Motor skills, Gross Motor Skills & Cognitive Development. These assessments will be shared with the parents at Parent/Teacher Conferences in the Spring.


  • Ilness

    Your child may contract colds and other contagious diseases during the preschool year. Eight or nine colds are common among children who are playing in groups for the first time.

    For the good of all children and the teachers, please keep your child at home if he/she is ill. If symptoms appear during the day, we will call you to pick up your child immediately.

    If your child is exposed to a contagious illness, we will post a notice at your child’s classroom door. Please let us know if your child has been exposed to a disease away from school so that we can watch for symptoms.

    State regulations require that children with the following symptoms be excluded from childcare: 

    • A fever of 100 degrees or more
    • Diarrhea (2 or more watery stools which are not contained within clothing)
    • Vomiting (within the last 24 hours) 
    • Rash that is not obviously associated with diapering, heat, or allergic reactions to medications
    • Sore throat if associated with fever or swollen glands in the neck
    • Severe coughing leading to gagging, vomiting, or difficulty breathing
    • Pink eye
    • Untreated scabies, head lice, or the presence of nits 
    • Ringworm 
    • Impetigo

    If your child is sent home due to illness, he/she cannot return to preschool until he/she has been free from symptoms for 24 HOURS without the use of a fever reducer. This is to allow your child ample time to recover and stop the spread of illness to the other children and staff.

  • Immunizations

    A photocopy of the child’s current immunization record is required at the time of enrollment. Please remember to provide a new copy if your child receives additional immunizations during the school year. 

  • Medication

    Our program staff does not administer medication to children.

  • Injuries

    Minor injuries will be treated with appropriate first aid and you will be informed about them on an ouch report. Ouch reports are placed in Parent's sign-in/out book for parents to pick up.

    You will be called to the center immediately if your child sustains a more serious injury. In cases that we perceive to be potentially life-threatening, we will call an ambulance to transport your child to a medical facility and will direct you to meet the ambulance. All costs for the ambulance and medical fees are the responsibility of the child’s family.

  • Nutrition

    To help keep your tuition lower, we no longer provide morning or afternoon snacks. Please bring a lunch and pack 2 extra snacks in your child's lunch box for their morning and afternoon snack.

    Food Allergies: Please notify your child’s teacher if your child has food allergies.

  • Rest Time

    Children are offered an opportunity to rest after lunch. Children have sleeping mats labeled with their names. Clean sheets are provided weekly, or more often if needed. Please bring a small blanket from home to make the children feel more comfortable. Children are not required to sleep, just rest.

  • Outdoor Play

    Outdoor play is not just recess but is an extension of our indoor learning opportunities.

    All children will play outdoors every day, weather permitting. The length of outdoor playtimes is adjusted according to the weather. Factors such as temperature and wind are considered in determining whether children will be able to play outdoors and how long they will stay out.

    Please dress your child for the weather, especially cool mornings in fall and spring. Sneakers with socks, or other similar shoes, are best for running, climbing, and enjoying the outdoors.

Safety & Emergencies

  • Security Card Policy

    Security is an important part of our program, so we will issue each family 2 key fobs to gain entrance into the ALP building between the hours of 6:45 AM and 6:00 PM, Monday through Friday. The fobs allow access to the main entrance door and the south entrance to the playground. Just flash the fob in front of the security box to engage the door and gain entrance.

    If you need additional fobs to allow other designated persons to drop off or pick up your child you will be charged $5 per fob. All key fobs are assigned to your child. If you lose your fob and need a replacement, you will be charged $5.

    When you withdraw your child from Abundant Life Preschool, you are required to return all fobs assigned to you. Thank you for your adherence to this procedure.

  • Front Door Policy

    Do not allow anyone other than yourself, or persons you have personally brought, to enter the door along with you.

    Do not allow others (even if they are a familiar face, or you feel you know them) to enter the door via your key fob. (This includes perceived Staff of ALP)

    Do not give out your key fob to anyone else. These are assigned to you as a person. If you need additional fobs, please see Suzie or Hannah in the office. 

  • Release of Children

    Your child will be released only to those persons whose names you have listed on the blue emergency card. Please advise ALP if any person other than those listed is authorized to pick up your child. 

    Abundant Life Preschool employees will require proof of identification from any person arriving to pick up your child if the office staff or teacher has not met them previously.

  • Emergency Procedures

    Evacuation procedures for fire and other emergencies are practiced monthly. When severe weather is in the area, the director monitors weather reports and alerts staff to be prepared to make decisions to keep everyone safe.

    All Abundant Life Preschool staff members are certified in First Aid and CPR. Parents will be contacted by a staff member if there is an emergency.

  • Snow Day Procedures

    Abundant Life Preschool will strive to provide consistent daily child care. We do not follow the Flagstaff Unified School District snow day closings and schedules. However, on exceptionally hazardous days, the following options may be taken: a delayed start of the school day or a full-day closure. Please check our snow closures page, to find out if there is a schedule change, check our Facebook page, or listen specifically for the Abundant Life Preschool information on KAFF (92.9 FM, 930 AM). If no change is listed, we are on a regular schedule.

Transportation & Field Trips

We do not provide transportation to or from Abundant Life Preschool. Field trips are not a part of our curriculum. We bring special events and community resources to the school to enrich the program.

Chapel Time

Our 2's, 3's and Pre-K classes integrate Chapel Time into their daily routine. The children gather each Tuesday morning in the Children's Auditorium for Bible songs and a Bible story.
quotesArtboard 1 copy 2
“Over the past 8 years, I have had the privilege of having both of my daughters go through ALP from 1year old until they graduated the Pre-K program. I have found the teachers and staff at ALP to always be warm, welcoming, and passionate about children. The teachers and staff always taught developmentally appropriate material and skills that had high interest to the children and fully engaged the children in the lessons. When my daughters graduated from Pre-k they left with the necessary skill to be successful in Kindergarten. I highly recommend ALP to any parent that is seeking a loving, educational, and Christ centered preschool experience for their child.”

- Amber Burns

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